Golf club thieves

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By Scott D

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  • 43 Replies
  1. Scott D

    Scott D
    Rumford, RI

    So today when I got into my car to go to work I noticed my golf clubs weren’t in the car. I asked my wife if she brought them inside but unfortunately they were stolen! The bond between a golfer and his clubs is sacred. I have been though thick and thin with those clubs from triple bogeys and water hazards to back to back birdies. It took me over a year to build what I felt was an amazing set of golf clubs, every club had a story to go with it and we all know that clubs aren’t cheap. Well thanks TT for letting me vent and keep your clubs safe!

  2. Deno

    New Jersey

    That's a shame Scott. Your home or car insurance may cover some of that. Let us know how you make out. Post a picture/ description so we can keep an eye out on the auction sites. They're bound to show up somewhere.
  3. Scott D

    Scott D

    Sorry to hear about the loss! Yes, there is a bond between the golfer and his clubs. Hopefully you can find another bond with the new set of clubs.
  4. Elson C

    Elson C

    That one is a rough one, I am so sorry some sleazy *** broke into your car and got them.
    I usually keep my clubs in my trunk during the golf season for convenience and store them on the winter.
  5. beaureed445

    Edmond, OK

    Oh, that's a bummer....Sorry to hear it. I've had my bag stolen twice- the first time, my truck was broken into, and my beloved 975D, 975F, and 990's were taken. The second time, my truck was stolen, and my bag was in the back seat (I'd played that day; I didn't store my clubs in there).
  6. Happened to me 2 years ago. Father's day, came home from my parents, backed my Rav4 into my driveway, and left my clubs in the back. They smashed my window, and stole my clubs. All in, almost $5000. House insurance covered the clubs, and car insurance paid for my window. I feel your pain. Why not just steal the car and leave my clubs alone?
    You may not be able to replace your set exactly. My advice is if you have a go to club then buy it on ebay or a used place. I went through 3 hybrids before going on line and buying a TM 22 degree Burner that I hit better than anything else.
    Also, if you are a member of Golf Canada, they will cover up to $2500. I have never used them, but it is on their brochure.
  7. Sorry to hear Scott. Can't stand a thief. I hope insurance comes through for you. Watch Craig's List and go to some local pawn shops to see if your clubs show up there. I assume you have the serial numbers of your clubs which can make tracking them down much easier.
  8. Joey L

    Joey L
    Walnut Creek

    That is really unfortunate. It goes to show you can’t leave anything of value in plain sight anywhere. Good clubs are an easy sell for thieves.
  9. Darryl M

    Darryl M
    Wichita, KS

    Sorry to hear about your loss Scott, as you stated each club has had a special moment in ones bag, some of them are great moments and some are moments on a scorecard we want to forget but never do. I couldn't imagine losing my clubs which is why I always bring mine in the house. Check with local pawn stores and any other used club outlets.

    Do you happen to have the serial numbers of your clubs? I keep mine in a file with my other golf stats. Check with your insurance to see how they can cover your loss. It will take some of the sting out of getting a new set but it won't replace the memories with those clubs,
  10. Rich T

    Rich T
    Shrewsbury, MA

    Awful! I went through this years ago. I was out for dinner with my gf at the time and we came back to my Jeep window smashed and the clubs gone. It's a terrible feeling.

    Good luck getting sorted out with some new equipment.
  11. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Sorry for the loss you now have to deal with. I either have a laptop or golf clubs in any car at any time. I now only leave them in a trunk or under a pull-over cover. I won't even leave the clubs in the trunk overnight at a hotel parking lot. One of my league buddies inadvertently left a key fob in his car parked in his driveway. One night. Stolen. The clubs and 1 of 2 dozen AVX balls were also removed. The clubs and the balls were scattered in a field near where they jumped a curb and couldn't go any further. Good news he was left-handed? Or was it just joy-riders that wouldn't have fenced the clubs anyway?
    We also can't leave garage door openers in view in cars. The vandals break into the car just to pull the opener and may invite themselves in then or later to rummage the house once in the garage.
  12. Dave N

    Dave N
    Dade City, FL

    I have had a club taken from my bag before at a course club house. Extremely not happy, I can't imagine how you feel.
  13. Scott D

    Scott D
    Rumford, RI

    Thanks guys....I contacted all the local pawn shops so will see what happens, I really wish I had saved the serial numbers but now I know. I was diagnosed with PTSD when I got back from Afghanistan in 2011 and golf became a form of therapy for me so the clubs just really meant a lot. Golf season is almost over so the plan is to save over the winter and get a new set next year. Thanks for all the support.
  14. Military
    Can send you a list of what I have and you would be welcome to any of it.

  15. First, thank you for your sacrificial service to this great land, and secondly I am sickened that you have lost your clubs. My son left his vokey on a green and someone picked it up and kept it, that alone made me mad, so I can't imagine what you are feeling.
  16. Steve S

    Steve S
    Tuckerton, NJ

    So sorry to hear about your clubs Scott. I know how I panic if I happen to leave a wedge on the last hole I have played. Hope all turns out well for you!
    Play Well,
    Steve S.
  17. Keep an eye on craigslist ads and checking local pawn shops. Sorry for your loss.
  18. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Sorry to hear that
  19. Vincent C.

    Vincent C.
    Cincinnati, OH

    Check out any local play it again sports, golf exchange, etc. If you filed a police report you will be able to get your clubs back for free if they are found. If you find them however, and have no police report, the store is not obligated to just give them back just because you say they were stolen. Good luck, hope you find them!
  20. Here in Ireland you can claim back for and damage or loss of your clubs under our GUI Insurance. I'm not sure if you can do that in your neck of the woods but it's worth checking out.
  21. Wade W

    Wade W
    Roanoke, VA

    Same thing happened to me.

    Full set of 962Bs, raw Vokey wedges, PT metals, and a 1995 Cameron Laguna (stamped and all). Had a dozen brand new golf balls in the pocket, too!

    I feel your pain.

  22. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Sorry to hear about your clubs. on a golf trip a few years ago our group had a couple of rental cars broken into and had the clubs stolen
  23. Paul C

    Paul C
    Beech Mountain, NC

    Sorry. Few things lower than a thief and I hope you get lucky retrieving them. Thank you for your service. I don't know what your set makeup was, but, would offer some 718AP1 loaners if you are interested. The set is 4-PW with Tensei red R flex plus one half inch in length.
  24. Scott D

    Scott D
    Rumford, RI

    Thank you so much Paul for the offer. Wow. That really means a lot to me, unfortunately those clubs wouldn’t work well for me and if something were to happen to them I would never forgive myself. With your offer and all the supporting comments it shows how amazing it is to be apart of Team Titleist.
  25. Deno

    New Jersey

    What model clubs where stolen? Shaft flex etc.
  26. Scott D

    Scott D
    Rumford, RI

    818 H1/project x even flow
    716 Ap2 4-pw/KBS Tour 120
    SM7 Jet Black true temper X100, 50/08/f, 54/10/s, 58/12/d
    Scotty Cameron Golo 3

    M4 3wood/ project x hzdrds Black

    Still have my driver. I haven’t heard anything from the police yet and my insurance won’t cover anything but I’m still hoping they turn up. Thanks again everyone the support is amazing!

  27. Paul C

    Paul C
    Beech Mountain, NC

    I'm not worried about damage, they're still making them. If you change your mind the offer stands.
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