Do you "mark" your ball with a Sharpie - What do you mark on your ball?

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By Andy C

  • 199 Replies
  1. Gabriel G

    Gabriel G
    Cedar Park, TX


    Yes, I use a sharpie!  Best marker to use.  What else?

    I mark my ball with two lines, easy to identify when you walk up to it.  Saves time and trouble.  Otherwise your partner has to keep looking, sometimes turn it over.  We want it easy to spot from a distance.  Move along.

  2. Gabriel G

    Gabriel G
    Cedar Park, TX


    I had a friend of mine did not believe in marking his ball.  He felt it affected the flight of the ball.  But he was not that good a ball striker.  I mark my ball with something easy to spot from a distance.  Saves time when trying to identify it!

  3. Leslie W

    Leslie W
    East Brunswick, NJ

    Andy C said:

    A friend of mine always has his ball marked with 2 dots in RED beside "Titleist" and another with BLUE line extending the putting line.

    I like to leave mine without any marks unless I'm playing a tournament in which I will underline "Titleist" in RED. What do you guys do?

    I mark a dot (any color) around the ball number
  4. Frank C

    Frank C
    Sweetwater, TX

    I put a C (First initial of my last name) with a blue sharpie in front of the ball number on each side under Titleist.  I particularly like playing a #4 ball, because, harking back to my days in the army many years ago, it makes me think of hitting an "explosive" shot- C4!

  5. michael f

    michael f
    brooksville, FL

    i mark my prov1 with a single black dot below the number

  6. Kristofer E

    Kristofer E
    Mount Sterling, OH

    I mark mine with a single red dot above the L in Titleist on both sides.

  7. Chip S

    Chip S
    Winnetka, IL

    I always mark with one dot and a pink line for allignment

  8. Jules I

    Jules I
    Barrington, RI

    I'm a junior golfer and I competes nationally, when I play in these events before we show each other what ball we're using. Everyone has a different type of mark. I draw a little vineyard vines whale on mine in blue. Its only so that you can find your ball

  9. I use Rickie Fowler Marks

  10. Chris K

    Chris K
    Windermere, FL

    One black dot to the left of the number.

  11. Play18

    Aurora, IL

    I use an orange Sharpie and mark through the alignment line. 

  12. Jason F

    Jason F
    Elizabethton, TN

    if I'm with one person i'll jus mark one dot whatever color sharpie i have in my bag, more then one i'll do two with different 

    colors. lately i've been using a single blue dot and tee it up the dot facing my driver's face. it's nice cause after i rip one down the 

    fairway. when i look at the face of the driver or fair wood i'll have a n ice lil blue dot in the center of the face. and even on bad shots

    it's nice to know where the center of the ball hit off the face of your clubs. but anytime my ball hits the cart path or gets scuffed up 

    i'll switch out to a new ball after that hole. putting i like to use a line and of course a fresh ball. i know some people don't care

    if there ball is dirty but when putting i like to know my ball is going to roll perfect and not hope around because i got a huge

    dirt spots all over. to me i feel it will throw your ball off line when its dirty or scratched. but that's jus me

  13. Mitchk2

    Fresno, CA

    Two red dots under "Titleist" and and red line along the putting line

  14. Barbarosa

    Dallas, TX

    I've always marked my ball in a Shamrock, using Green Sharpie, with a centerline Black after spinning the ball for the true line for allignment.  The marks are no distractment and the othefrs always know my ball when they see it.

  15. Eric C

    Eric C

    Three black dashes vertically to the right of the number, like an E.
  16. I was diagnosed with Leukemia on May 9, 2019. I have since learned that the cancer color of Leukemia is Orange.
    I have not determined how I will mark up my Titleist balls but they will all have Orange in there somewhere.
    I live in upstate NY, so I have a few months before I have to decide!!
    Thank you everyone for the ideas!!
  17. richard f

    richard f

    I don’t mark mine , most people do , so because I don’t , mine is the unmarked one lol
  18. Just three red dots in a triangle around the number. This has worked very well for me.
  19. After observing my swing and play for a couple of days a club pro in Colorado suggested I would be better off if I changed to the Pro V1x golf ball. WOW, was he correct! The extra cost of the Pro V1x is well worth the distance and control I am feeling around the greens. My index went from 19 to 16.4. I have played with the ball enough now that I do feel that I am beginning to know what the ball is going to do. This is a great feeling for a very Octogenarian golfer.
  20. Steve E

    Steve E
    Stockton, CA

    one green dot on the side of the center line..match up the green dot with the dot in the putter and use the center line to frame my target..
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