AVX Vs. ProV1

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By Carter E

  • 29 Replies
  1. What’s the most optimal way to get fitted for a ball? I’ve always played either a pro v1 or x, but other than knowing the basic differences couldn’t really tell you why I prefer one or the other. Feel like it’s time to nail that down.
  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Start with the on-line ball fitting questionnaire but ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what is most important to you to play your best. For me, it was the need for maximum spin to gain height in my irons and less roll out on the greens. For others, it might be softer feel or longer roll out on their drives. The best way to decide is to take a few of each model on the course and play them side by side. After a round or two you should be able to pick the one that gives you the results you are looking for. Make your choice based on overall play, not just driver distance. It's about the ball that allows you to post the best scores. Good luck and enjoy the journey.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Here is the Titleist link to golf ball fittings. Maybe you can find on in your area. Found this under fittings above. Hope this helps.

  4. Carter,

    If you want to lower that launch, then yes avx would be great. Just be cautious because if you value having spin in your game, then avx might not be the best due to the low spin profile on that ball. ProV1 is always a great baseline with it being a mid launch ball and a mid spin ball. The 2025 ProV1 also had more spin than the previous module while keeping the mid launch! Hope this helped!
  5. larry m

    larry m
    columbiana, OH

    The AVX is no longer a premium ball and no longer made in the premium ball plant
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