Team Titleist 2025 Events

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By Will - Team Titleist UK

  • 31 Replies
  1. *2025 Team Titleist Event Announcement*

    Team Titleist,
    As the year starts to get up and running, we have some exciting new events coming for you. 

    Across the year, you will get the chance to spend more time with our experts and play some of the UK's best golf courses. 
    We’ll be introducing an exciting new event format while bringing back fan favourites that you know.
    The 2025 Roster of events is now LIVE and can be found here: Team Titleist Events, 2025
    You’ll also find details on upcoming event registrations and key dates to mark on your calendar. Make sure you cycle through all filters as some events are open to see, but not yet open to sign up to.
    Don’t see an event near you? No worries! Keep an eye on that event page throughout the year as more events will be added when they are finalised.
    We’ll also be sending direct e-mails so be sure to keep your Team Titleist profile up to date, as you will stand more of a chance at being successful in one of the many sweepstakes throughout the year.
    Once again, thank you for making Team Titleist what it is. We can’t wait to see you at an event in 2025!


  2. Peter CB

    Peter CB
    Bedfordshire, UK

    Cannot. Wait.
    St.Ives and the Burnham & Berrow booked. Both are sure to be just fantastic days. Looking forward to meeting lots of new people and enjoying the golf.
    Roll on summer.
  3. AntD

    Hampshire, UK

    Some great opportunities to meet fellow TT members, improve your game and play some great courses. 3 events already booked and looking forward to them all.

    Great work Will.
  4. Simon Whittaker

    Simon Whittaker

    Thanks Will, booked on!
  5. Tom  C

    Tom C
    Romford, 0

    Great looking set of events Will!

    Looking forward to attending some more TT events this year.
  6. Matthew O

    Matthew O

    Love this! Booked in for Ladybank. Looking forward to it already
  7. Wabinez

    Norfolk, UK

    Tempted by the short game clinic at JoG. Apparently the new short game area is incredible.
  8. Stuart McCarthy

    Stuart McCarthy
    Derby, UK

    Thanks Will,
    Just booked in for Burnham and Berrow, looking forward to it!!
  9. Simon Worsfold

    Simon Worsfold

    Well done to every one at Team Titleist for getting these events together.

    Really impressed with the venues and the new layout of the booking format.

    Onwards and upwards TT

    Hope to see some new and familiar faces this year.

  10. Neil W

    Neil W

    Booked on for JOG looking forward to this absolute cracking course.
  11. Gus M

    Gus M
    dumbarton, 0

    Hi Will trying to book into the lady bank event with no success is it full already??
  12. Hi Gus, still spaces left! What seems to be the problem?
  13. Aaron


    Looks like a great roster. Be good to see you guys along at my home club ladybank

    I’ll be there
  14. Matthew O

    Matthew O

    Lucky man having that as your home track! Lovely course. Looking forward to playing it again.
  15. Gianni F

    Gianni F
    Brighton, UK

    Great looking list of events for 2025 here.

    Booked on for the short game clinic and strongly considering joining onto the St Ives day too.

    Excited to attend my first official TT event!
  16. Thierry M

    Thierry M

    Thanks Will. booked the TT Short Game Clinic at John O'Gaunt Golf Club. Looking forward to it already !
  17. Booked on to the shortgame clinic and Burnham & Berrow. Great course and great prices, looking forward to seeing some old and new faces.

    Thanks for sorting Will
  18. Daniel P

    Daniel P
    South wales

    Will be hopefully booking the Burnham and Berrow and some others. Not had a chance to attend a TT event yet
  19. Alex F

    Alex F
    FALKIRK, 0

    Booked my first TT event, looking forward to it.
    Got 2 months to hit a ball ?
  20. Alex F

    Alex F
    FALKIRK, 0

    Booked Ladybank my first Team Titleist event
    Looking very much to the experience
    Need to play a bit, haven’t touched the clubs since October ?,
  21. Trevor P

    Trevor P
    Brentwood, Essex

    St.Ives and Burnham & Berrow booked.

    Thank you Titleist Team for arranging, what I am sure from past events, will be a fantastic experience to meet fellow members and play some great courses.

    Not forgetting the goodie packs
  22. Fabulous - really hoping the short game clinic serves me well for the subsequent “open” and “shotgun”!
  23. Would love to see a couple of events in Ireland
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