TT Event at SDCC - Whoa!

Follow Thread

By Chris92009

  • 7 Replies
  1. It was great seeing everyone yesterday...lots of friends and many new ones!! San Diego CC was a real treat to play. Thanks to Lisa and Allan for helping set this up and looking forward to the next TT Event this year!

    Share your pics on this thread...

    Cheers, Chris

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  2. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    Agreed a Great Day in San Diego.
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  3. Jared L

    Jared L
    La Jolla, CA

    Agree completely Chris! SDCC didn't disappoint, and our San Diego weather could not have been better. Always fun to see old friends and meet new ones. The camaraderie at these events is one of the key elements. Thanks again to Lisa and Allan and all the Titleist staffers who helped make this another fantastic day!
  4. Allan


    Team Titleist Staff
    Great seeing everyone! I've been dying to play SDCC for a long time and thought it was a cool and unique San Diego golf experience with the parkland style golf and slick, undulating greens. Really awesome turn out of TT loyalist and some friendly new faces. Loved it!
  5. Rob_Roth1

    San Diego, CA

    Thanks for setting up we had a great time and the greens were slick

    Looking forward to the next one!
  6. BHershman

    Palm Beaches

    I’m glad I made the trip out from the east coast, winning the T Series raffle made the decision even sweeter. Great meeting some new friends, and looking forward to teeing it up with you in FL, Chris!
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  7. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Great day and excellent start to a great week.
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  8. Mark S

    Mark S
    Ripon, CA

    Chris92009 said:

    It was great seeing everyone yesterday...lots of friends and many new ones!! San Diego CC was a real treat to play. Thanks to Lisa and Allan for helping set this up and looking forward to the next TT Event this year!

    Share your pics on this thread...

    Cheers, Chris

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    Chris, it was great meeting you! Can't wait to participate in another event.

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