TT event tee gifts

Follow Thread

By Jeffrey W

  • 2 Replies
  1. Hi - considering a TT event and curious what a TT event tee gift package consists of…anybody attend one of these events? Thanks in advance! JBW

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    It really depends on the event. This local, same day events will have less than the multiple day major outings.
  3. Not sure how they compare to USA events, but at the most recent Canadian one, it was a sweet package..
    Dozen balls of your choice (you fill out a questionnaire beforehand) to say "howdy".

    Once there, at the residence, was a travel bag, inside were multiple items. TT T-shirt, polo, another dozen balls, valuables pouch, bag tag, bag of TT tee's , couple hats, a giant TT Yeti cup in display case.. at end of event, we were told we could keep the shag bag and balls (they don't use scruffy balls for the next event, so they were going to turf them. I ended up with another 3 dozen balls out of that..)

    All in all, a very nice package to swag!

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