Watch: Why is Stopping Power Important in a Golf Ball?

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 7 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Stopping Power describes a golf ball's potential ability to halt its forward momentum and come to rest, particularly on the green surface. In this video, Titleist golf ball experts discuss how materials and golf ball construction influence stopping power – and how predictable stopping power can unlock lower scores.

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  2. Abdon M

    Abdon M
    Northern California (because it's a big state)

    Excellent reminder how important the angle of decent influences the golf ball's stopping power; if you combine the correct decent angle with the right Titleist ball, get ready to work on that putting stroke
  3. John C.

    John C.
    New York

    Great video and explanation of the capability resident in Titleist ball. The gold standard and second to none.
  4. JimmyGisonfire

    Barrie, On. Canada

    Amount of Spin can also be determined into a wind factor. To help maintain approach angle and flight, I will hit one more club, grip down to help eliminate the amount of spin to maintain distance with drop & stop. (ProV1x) baby, works for me.
  5. JimmyGisonfire

    Barrie, On. Canada

    Amount of Spin can also be determined into a wind factor. To help maintain approach angle and flight, I will hit one more club, grip down to help eliminate the amount of spin to maintain distance with drop & stop. (ProV1x) baby, works for me.
  6. Excellent discussion…Thanks for sharing!
  7. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Ah ha. Now I got it! Time to hit the greens with my ProV1’s. Live these videos. So much research goes into this simple games equipment.
  8. Need to know what your ball is going to do and how it will react from all lies from fairway, rough, bunkers etc…to optimize your distance control throughout the course to play your best golf. After getting fit our at Carlsbad the Pro VX1 was the best fit for my game and just like the overall performance and feel and have played the latest model for every round for the last 5-10 years minimum. Titleist Staff Ambassador for as long as I can remember with no intentions to change any time soon. Pumped to get the new GT280 in the bag for 2025!! Mike Y Edmonton, AB

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