Custom Shop Turn Around Time

Follow Thread

By HBaxter

  • 4 Replies
  1. Anyone know what the current custom shop turn around time is? Sent my ‘23 Champions Choice in a few weeks ago and cant wait to get it back!

  2. In the past, i've been able to call the customer service number for the custom shop and get a pretty firm date for my order along with where it was in the process. I was also able to add a headcover one time to my order.
  3. Thanks! I’ll give that a try!
  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    I'll be going out to Oceanside at the end of the month and plan on sending in my putter when I'm don with my golf trip. Hopefully it won't take more than a month for turnaround so I can get it back before the season starts here in Ohio.
  5. I reached out to the customer service email and they said it would be a 30 day turn around. My order is due 2/21! I’ll update this once I receive it with the actual turnaround time once I get my putter back

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