Cameron Club 2025

Follow Thread


  • 7 Replies
  1. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Sign ups started today (1/9) for the 2025 membership. I believe there will be several chances to register. You get a Backpack cooler, headcover, member pin, and sticker for $185

  2. Military
    I secured mine and it was closed 15-20 minutes later. I have not been a part of Club Cameron before so I'm excited for the first time experience. Welcome kit looks really nice, depending on how big the backpack is in person it may be my new shoe and towel bag. We'll see how it goes this year!
  3. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Hey now that's an idea for the cooler backpack....a nice shoe bag! Don't really have the need for another backpack cooler and depending on the size, this could be used to carry multiple pair of shoes! Excellent idea Clint
  4. Brandon L

    Brandon L
    Tea, SD

    I was able to get one this year. Super pumped. It was open for about 45 minutes, I don't think it was too much of a struggle. Guess I'll experience the joys of trying to get bags and head covers next.
  5. Eric N

    Eric N

    Stayed open and available for about an hour. Much longer than the previous few years. Hopefully everyone who wanted in got in!
  6. Wesley S

    Wesley S
    Charlotte, NC

    Still waiting on mine to arrive but was lucky enough to get in.
  7. Brandon L

    Brandon L
    Tea, SD

    Same. I went so quick thinking I'd run out of time, I left shipping at ground. Should get it 1/16
  8. Brian C

    Brian C
    Fort Wayne, IN

    Ugh!! I wish Scotty Cameron's site would take Discover Card, so I could sign up for Club Cameron and my wife not find out!

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