Watch: Use This Strategy to Hit Better Approach Shots in Golf

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 7 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    In this video, Titleist staff member Michael Breed shares his idea of dividing the green into four quadrants to help you improve your approach shots and provide you with the best route to scoring.

    As he explains, by hitting approach shots in the correct quadrants, you'll give yourself easier putts, more birdie chances and more importantly, leave yourself in a better position more often.

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  2. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    Guilty! I try to hit to the middle of most greens but it is so easy to get sucked into that flag ...... I like the quadrant approach he refers to.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Good advice. We play on smaller than normal greens, very fast, with lots of breaks and undulations. If you do not practice this type of game you can be in big trouble. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. That is interesting breaking the green into quadrants. A great deal of course knowledge would be needed to pull this off, like at your Home Course that you are very familiar with. Then executing on your plan is the next challenge to pull off. Good stuff though
  5. Definitely guilty of adding yardage to club need for wind and uphill. something for me to incorporate into my game plan for the future. Thank you.
  6. golfinnut

    Leesburg, VA

    My problem is when the flag is in that particular quadrant & I inevitably fire at the flag and end up short siding myself.
  7. Michael Breed’s approach to dividing greens into four quadrants is a smart way to improve your course strategy. By aiming for the correct quadrant based on pin position, you can leave yourself with easier putts and avoid tricky spots that increase your score. This method emphasizes control and precision over distance, helping to create more birdie opportunities and consistent scoring.
  8. This is a video that many need to watch. Often we play a number instead of playing the greens.

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