What do you use as a smaller putting target?

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By PLounds

  • 9 Replies
  1. Found a great new use for the TT flask lid

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  2. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    I think I'll stick to poker chips, ball markers, and quarters/dimes. Still easy to see; can be placed at close or far distances when the holes on the putting green are occupied by others, and give immediate feedback when ball rolls over/hits them.
  3. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Sometimes when I'm warming up before a round or a tournament, I'll just stick a tee in the ground. Then I'll start around 5 feet and move back from there trying to get the ball to hit the tee.
  4. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    TT ball markers make great targets, the smaller ones, not the pewter hubcaps. When you need a larger target, the TT bag tags are made for that purpose.
  5. Palmer C

    Palmer C
    Ashland, MA

    I will generally use a tee as a target with my headcover a foot behind it to help with distance control. The smaller the target, the better (as long as you can see it).
  6. Lance P

    Lance P
    Hillsborough, NC

    I go really small with a white push pin in the green. Helps narrow my focus...
  7. I started using a golf ball as my target. It gives me great visual feed back for speed control too. It's helped my putting immensely this year.
  8. Ryan Lamer

    Ryan Lamer
    Palm Beach County, FL

    Every once in a while you will find a putting green with "Pro Holes". A pro hole is about the size of a golf ball and after 5-10 minutes putting to a hole that size, the regular hole looks giant. If you come across a putting green with pro holes, I highly suggest rolling putts to it for practice or prep before a round.
  9. Barry M

    Barry M
    Reno, NV

    The way I played yesterday, I need to use a basketball hoop.
  10. Jerry M

    Jerry M
    Dallas, TX

    I use a golf tee in the ground....in the words of Harvey Penick,
    "Aim. Small".

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