August 21, 2024 At 12:52 AM By JBevel
I keep shanking my irons way right i think it’s because of my lose grip but if you have any other ideas or tips I would be appreciated thanks I just got into golf it’s a lot of fun the only problem is I am addicted
Edward KWesley Chapel, FL
Chuck ZMt Pleasant, SC
Dale VSurprise AZ
August 22, 2024 At 01:03 PM
Bad shank? Is there ever a good shank? Having a swing coach is always the best advice for fixing issues but know that a shank occurs when the club returns closer than at address. This is most often due to hip extension pushing forward but not always. Get professional help to know for sure, especially if you saw the swings of us giving you advice.
Robert B
Palmer CAshland, MA
Mike MMarblehead MA
August 24, 2024 At 05:55 AM
This is one swing problem where another set of eyes would really help; hopefully your local pro. That said ,if it happens in the middle of a round, as it usually does, here's a possible quick fix that has helped me; Ideally, the club face at impact is in the same position as it was at the start of the back swing. In the case of a shank, for whatever reason, the club face shifts to a position where the heel of the club and the hosel impact the ball instead of the middle of the club face. Try setting the ball position slightly off the toe at address. This isn't a cure by any means, but more of a band aid approach to fixing the problem, and hopefully get you through the round . Hope this helps.
Don OMadison, WI
Barry BNorth Dartmouth, MA
Ben ALos Gatos, CA
DK Northeastern, PA
Lou GSan Diego, CA
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