August 25, 2015 At 06:09 PM By george t
george tOld Lyme, CT
Potential weather brewing for next week's golf tournament/vacation. I have a lots of ball caps, but I always see bucket hats listed for rain. What are the benefits of a bucket hat? And which do you wear?
Brad BMoore, OK
I've always wondered the same thing. I plan on purchasing one (the water proof ball cap or the water proof bucket) and can't decide on which one. Anyone have either one and can share what they like or dislike about it? Thanks
Mark CShorewood, WI
Bomber3Lake St Louis, MO
Bucket....I think they do a better job of keeping the rain off you. With a ball cap, you eventually get rain running down your neck getting you and your clothes wet. With a bucket, you get a little extra protection in the back to funnel the rain onto your rain suit instead of your neck (especially with a bucket that has a wide brim).
Michael BBronx, NY
I think a bucket hat has benefits, on raining days and sunny days. In the rain the brim can keep the rain from running down your neck and on sunny days the brim can protect the top of your ears from the sun.
Mike CDallas, TX
Bobbi BPortland, OR
Frank PPort St. Lucie, FL
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