Swing Weight

Follow Thread

By Sandro V

  • 1 Reply
  1. Dears what ist the Standart Swing Weight of the GT2 Driver with the GD Tour AD VF 5 Shaft in Regular, Grip MMC+4 Standart. thank you. rgds

  2. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    I am not sure but, I think it should be close to D2, D3 for a new club order from Titleist. This s/w is often used by a lot of oem.
    But, if you want a specific swing weight, you must specify it when ordering your club.

    If you are asking this question because you already have your club and modify it, just bring your club to any club fitter, he will be able to give you the information.

    Please note that the shaft length is also important for swing weight.

    Best regards,

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