
Follow Thread

By Kevin B

  • 6 Replies
  1. Kevin B

    Kevin B
    Marshall, WI

    I am currently using a 7 wood and am looking for a hybrid . What degree hybrid would you recommend with my next club is a T200 5 iron,

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  2. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I have the same set up. I got fitted with a 21* a half inch short. Filled the gap perfectly. A good Titleist fitter will find something that works for you.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Is there a distance gap? While I have hybrids to replace 5 & 6 irons, my 20 degree fairway gaps nicely with the 23 hybrid/5 iron. You can trial and error but at the cost of new clubs, getting gaps checked between the 2 longest irons and driver might be the cheapest option.
  4. Tim D

    Tim D
    kokomo, IN

    I also game a GT2 21 degree 7 wood and my next gap is a 24 hybrid which almost fits perfectly. I'm currently gaming a 24 D913 hybrid and have my eye on upgrading to the new GT2 24 degree to refresh my set up.
  5. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I have a TSi1 23 hybrid set to 25. Also have a 9 wood.
  6. Mike M

    Mike M
    Marblehead MA

    I've got a 21 degree hybrid (set to 20 degrees). On either side of that I have a 16.5 fairway and a 5 iron. I think the 5 iron is around 24 degrees.
  7. Military
    To echo a previous comment, a good fitter will help you land on a proper set up. I just finished a GT2 hybrid fitting and my comment to the fitter when I arrived was, "I need this go 200-205". I had been hitting a TSR2 21 degree set to 22 degrees. I walked away with a GT2 21 degree set to 23 degrees with a Tour AD DI 85S shaft carrying in the 200-yard range. I say all of this to highlight the importance of a good fitting, knowing your swing to an extent, but also don't focus solely on the degree of the club. My new hybrid is only 1 degree off of my T200 5-iron but the set up as a whole fit my gapping need with higher launch and more carry. I also hit a 7-wood set at 21 degrees for reference. I hope that helps. Good luck!

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