Top of bag gapping

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By Mike R

  • 12 Replies
  1. Mike R

    Mike R
    Surrey, UK

    Recently picked up a GT2 9 deg driver to replace my TSR3 - has made a massive difference to my game as my face contact was not consistent so the forgiveness of the GT2 is huge and fairways hit % has jumped significantly.

    I also picked up a couple of GT2 fairways for an experiment - one in 15 deg and one in 16.5 deg. My previous fairway was the TSI2 in 16.5... I don't see me having both of the GT2s in the bag - it was an experiment to see what a 15 deg could bring on the course... I will sell on one of them once I work out the way forward.

    Top end of my bag currently consists of:

    GT2 driver 9 deg (250y carry) GT2 4w 16.5 deg (225y carry) TSI2 3 hybrid 18 deg set @ 19 deg (200y carry)

    Then into my irons from 5 iron (175y carry) - following a loft & lie fitting I have fairly consistent 10y gaps down into wedges. So from 5i up, there are approximately 25y gaps between clubs - seems a bit much?

    Currently have 13 clubs in the bag, so there is room to add another club if changes make sense.

    Looking at the above, would changes make sense? Swap out the 4w for a 5w and put the 3w in the bag? Replace the 3 hybrid with a 4 (21 deg) hybrid?

    Open to ideas as I am currently in my off-season tinkering phase! Or, does the setup I have make sense as is?

    Thanks in advance! Mike

  2. Thomas Y

    Thomas Y
    Wenham, MA

    If this were my set up, I'd consider whether I used the fairway and hybrid for shots at the course I usually played and whether they fit for certain shots (especially if on par-3s). If so, I wouldn't necessarily change what fits. What is the highest loft wedge you carry with the 10 yard gapping?

    If the top of the bag doesn't fit your golf course, then I'd consider something like the 15* fairway, then either an 18* fairway or a stronger hybrid to gap between the existing hybrid, which I would try to loft up and get a distance closer to the 5 iron. You might end up with 15 to 20 yard gaps at the top, which is not terrible at all!
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    You’ve spent a few hundred quid on 2 fairways and will likely lose a hundred unloading one.

    Might as well get input from a fitter outdoors with a launch monitor.
    Is 25 yards an issue? Can you dial in a shorter distance by choking down like an inch? How often do you need a tighter gapping over 200 yards?
    Are you prepared to replace 2 clubs with 3 to get to 12-15 yard gapping?
    We are all different, so a professional fitter can work on what you need and how to fulfill that. Or, hope trial and error works the first time. Never has for me.
  4. Mike R

    Mike R
    Surrey, UK

    Thanks for feedback

    PW is 46 deg then have 3 Vokeys bent to 50/55/60

    I shouldn’t lose much (if anything) selling either of the fairways - both bought used off eBay when there were discount codes in place.

    I’ll likely wait until the courses dry out a bit to see where my gaps let me down and go from there. Difficult to tell at the moment as shots comes up short with no roll just now that might be ok in better conditions
  5. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I'd adjust the 16.5 to 17.25, and the hybrid the first setting South of 19 degrees, not sure the increment, 19.75? Don't even worry about a 15-20 yard gap in the longer clubs. I'm not even sure why men lose sleep over a degree on the wedges, to be honest. The hybrid adjusted down 1 might cover 190+/-, that could solve it. Without knowing your handicap, that's all I can give you. If I knew your strengths/preferences, we could a little deeper. Good Luck!
  6. Nathan

    Marietta, GA

    My personal opinion is that the 25 yd gap between Driver and 4w is less important than the 25 yard gaps between 4w and hy, and hy and 5i. Maybe add a 6/7w (something around 210 carry) and a higher lofted hybrid to fit the gap between 5i and the 6/7w. Something around 190 carry. Youd still have a 25 yard gap between driver and 4w, but then would add options and lessen the gaps between 4w to 5i.

    Or if you prefer a second hybrid, you could also strengthen the loft on the hybrid you have and add a second around 21 or 22 deg to fill the gap above the 5i. Either way I think using the 14th spot in the bag is a must if you want to tighten the gaps.

    In conclusion, I agree with Don and Thomas :)
  7. Ralph M

    Ralph M
    Annandale, NJ


    Mike…if you are getting on fine with 13 clubs, i would suggest you hold out until the GT280 comes out.
  8. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    If it was me, I would stay with 4 wood, add a 7 wood or a 4 hybrid at 21 deg.
  9. Mike R

    Mike R
    Surrey, UK

    Richard P you were spot on!

    I had a woods fitting earlier this week. Started at 5 iron and worked up from there.

    Ended up with a GT2 4H, my 4W and my driver.

    Yes, should have done that to start with, but got there in the end!
  10. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    My bag is 13.5-18-21-25-31-38-46-52-58-61-64,
  11. 61 and 64! those are the tools of elite flops shots!! I love it!
  12. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Golf Ball Wacker Guy said:

    61 and 64! those are the tools of elite flops shots!! I love it!

    My "Phil 64" has been a fixture for 6 years. Had a pulled 2nd shot a couple weeks ago that landed in a bunker. The 64 landed me 2 feet from the pin. The 61 loft is for hard lies. I conquered the "bunker from hell" with a 64.
  13. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Golf Ball Wacker Guy said:

    61 and 64! those are the tools of elite flops shots!! I love it!

    I also just updated ,my thumbnail. Can't let go of my 9 wood (23.75). Just added a TSR2 7 wood. Also have a 910F 7 wood that plays at 41" if I want to play a "Sunday" bag.

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