January 07, 2016 At 02:12 PM By Ron P
Ron PLeesburg, FL
Is there a chart i can go to that will tell me how far I should hit each club based on swing speed?
Ken WBaltimore, MD
No'lPalmdale, CA
Dave NDade City, FL
I still use the notebook with yardage and club. It is in the bag next to my glove. Sometimes If I get a brain fart out it comes , and blammo the proper club is selected. It took me a few weeks to achieve this info using averages on each club that was hit.
greg pChicago 'burbs, IL
Here is one I found on GolfWRX that will give you some rough guidelines. It is similar to otherss that I have seen elsewhere. For my swing speed (107) I find that yardages match up with about 9 of the clubs on the chart. So there are variances.
A lot of factors can determine distance, but this might provide the info you are seeking.
ParthurMarshfield, MA
I found a similar chart and it is pretty close for me across the board. It is quite similar to the one posted by greg p.
The Bold numbers across the top are swing speed.
Edward KWesley Chapel, FL
January 07, 2016 At 02:12 PM
Larry DNewport Beach, CA
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