The Prov1 Left Dot (Best Ball in The Titleist Lineup)

Follow Thread

By Jason V

  • 6 Replies
  1. Jason V

    Jason V
    Rye, NY

    Hello Everyone,

    I recently experienced a tour of Titleist's Prov1 Plant in New Bedford, MA. I HIGHLY recommend it to those who have not had the opportunity to visit and live in the region. First-class operation run by extremely hard-working folks.

    With that said, I was able to grab a box of the rare ProV1 Left Dot. As a loyal left dash player, I teed up the left dot in a few 4-balls and within some amateur tournaments. Based on feel, spin performance, flight, and softness off of the putter blade to me it is probably the best ball in the lineup.

    It would be interesting to hear this communities thoughts and experiences with the left dot. Pros? Cons? I will be using this ball going forward without a doubt. Cheers!

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Great thing about Titleist is it has different balls that are best for different people. Great that you have found what works best for you. If it was the “one and only best” every tour player on every level would be using it. The fact that the ProV1, ProV1x, Left Dash, Left Dot are all used by different players is a testament to the need to get fit and play the ball that works for you. For me, it’s the ProV1x but that does not mean it is for everyone. Enjoy your Left Dots, they are not easy to find.
  3. I really like the performance with the longer clubs with the Left Dot but I need a bit more spin around the green.

    That being said I will continue to test the dozen I have left.
  4. I played another round with the left dot yesterday and this ball continues to separate itself from the rest of the lineup for me. There is something unique about this ball. Many people claim the 2023 prov1 has "incorporated left dot tech" and i am not doubting this claim but Titleist definitely didn't morph the left dot into the prov1......i played 9 holes with each ball once again and the consistent performance improvement with the left dot is just noticeable. I am consistently 12-15 yards further than the v1 and left dash.

    I am a lifetime Titleist guy and have played every ball under the sun....the left dot is simply amazing

    I just spoke to the online support staff and they just told me the left dot will be launched but they dont have the date yet.

    for now, i have to play the 9 balls i have left and make a visit to the Titleist ball plant where I can buy them once the tour is over
  5. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Tim S said:

    I played another round with the left dot yesterday and this ball continues to separate itself from the rest of the lineup for me. There is something unique about this ball. Many people claim the 2023 prov1 has "incorporated left dot tech" and i am not doubting this claim but Titleist definitely didn't morph the left dot into the prov1......i played 9 holes with each ball once again and the consistent performance improvement with the left dot is just noticeable. I am consistently 12-15 yards further than the v1 and left dash.

    I am a lifetime Titleist guy and have played every ball under the sun....the left dot is simply amazing

    I just spoke to the online support staff and they just told me the left dot will be launched but they dont have the date yet.

    for now, i have to play the 9 balls i have left and make a visit to the Titleist ball plant where I can buy them once the tour is over

    The left dot is a 4 year old golf ball. It's not a retail ball because 99.9% of golfers will fit into one of the existing models.
  6. TWalker


    I’ve been in the left dot for a little bit under a year now and love it. The ball fits me perfectly and was a great transition from the dash. However it won’t fit 90% or more of golfers better than one of their retail balls. That is the magic that Titleist has is that everyone can find a Titleist ball that will fit them perfectly.
  7. Andrew B

    Andrew B
    Carmel IN

    Still wishing they would retail the dot soon…

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