Best golf balls in wind

Follow Thread

By Bill F

  • 5 Replies
  1. Bill F

    Bill F
    Asheville, NC

    I’ve been playing the Pro V1’s and Pro V1x’s left dash golf balls. I’m playing an ocean side course this week and wonder which ball would be most stable going into and down wind. I do have some new AVX balls but I do like a little spin to hold greens. Thanks for opinions.

  2. the titelist prov1 x is the best for down wind, but the avx is coming in close second
  3. Doug E

    Doug E
    Urbana, MD

    I played strictly Pro Vs until AVX came out. That's when I saw how fantastic they cut through the wind compared to any other ball I have ever played. I was sold on them immediately for windy or cooler conditions. Distance off of irons and driver was definitely a bit more than I expected. And, I have no problem getting them to check up on the greens, although I do admit either Pro V version is going to be even a bit stickier. But in the wind, the AVX will not disappoint. I presently use both AVX and Pro V1, depending on the conditions of the day.
  4. Jason R

    Jason R
    Ottawa, ON

    I am a solid Pro V1 enthusiast but I have always been impressed with the AVX in high wind.
  5. JAM


    I alternate between the Pro V1 and the AVX. AVX is superior in the wind.
  6. I like the prov1

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