Lightweight Cart Bag

Follow Thread

By Josh S

  • 1 Reply
  1. I have 2 questions about the 2014 lightweight cart bag. Is the Bag Waterproof? are all of the 14-way dividers full length? or do they just have 14 dividers with 3 or 4 full length dividers?
  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Josh,

    The Lightweight Cart Bag - - has got the 14-Way Club Dividers, Boxed, Full-Length. 3-Tone, Mesh Padded Top-Cuff and Dividers. Integrated putter well.

    It is not 100% waterproof - you might be wanting to look at the STA-DRY - for a waterproof bag option.

    Good golfing,

    Team Titleist ANZ

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