Demonstrating how to play golf

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By Johan L

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  1. I volunteer at our local club to help and train people new to golf. On tuesday I helped a group of people that are having issues getting back to work, either due to illness or other issues. At hole 4, I wanted to demonstrate how to get the ball high into the air with a 52 iron, mostly to get it to stop quickly. We saw it bounce once, then we lost the ball. I knew it was good… when we approached the green the ball was nowhere to be found and it was strange, it was not short, it was not long… I would never imagine to find it in the cup. This was an amazing experience for me but for the newcomers to golf this was an experience they will never forget. They all signed up for next weeks golfpractice

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  2. EddietheKarp


    Great shot and amazing moment to share, Johan! Great work and congratulations

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